How B2B Businesses Use Local Falcon

Operating on a business-to-business basis doesn't mean local SEO doesn't matter. While your target audience may differ, your marketing goal is still the same: understand what users are looking for and find the most efficient way to give it to them.

That's where Local Falcon comes in. Local Falcon is a versatile rank tracker that's perfect for keeping on top of local SEO and generating leads for your business — even if you serve other businesses instead of consumers. All you need to do is plug in a keyword (or keywords) relevant to your business, select a grid size and scan radius, and run the scan to see your keyword ranking compared to your competitors.

Local Falcon is full of useful tools for B2B businesses. Here are four:



Keyword Suggestion

If you're unsure as to what keywords other businesses use when they search for you, don't worry. With Local Falcon's keyword suggestion feature, you'll be suggested keywords based on how others search for your company. Local Falcon also provides the estimated monthly impressions each keyword brings, meaning you'll be able to focus on the ones with the highest attraction power.


Adjustable Scan Center

Want to see which services and products are in demand near prospective business partners? Local Falcon's adjustable scan center means you don't have to base your scans on your business location. Simply drag the center to somewhere else on the map — anywhere in the world — and the rest of your radius map will adjust accordingly.


Sharable Scan Reports

Say you want to show your potential business partners that you're a respected name in your industry, or that you want to prove to a current partner that they're benefitting from working with you. Local Falcon's share feature allows you to create a white-label URL for any scan. Recipients don't need to log into an account to view the scan, either — you simply need to share it with them or post it on a publicly available page.

Local Falcon AI Reviews Analysis

Focused Online Reputation Management

For B2B businesses, maintaining a stellar reputation is crucial for building long-term partnerships and securing contracts. The Local Falcon Reviews Analysis tool can dissect client feedback from Google Reviews to uncover specific areas of strength and weakness in service delivery.

For instance, if multiple reviews highlight delays in project timelines or communication gaps, these insights allow the business to address operational inefficiencies proactively. By acting on data-driven suggestions, such as improving project management processes or enhancing customer support responsiveness, B2B companies can foster stronger relationships with their clients and stand out against competitors.

Business Rankings with Local Falcon

Local Falcon is a quick, efficient way to track your local ranking, increase B2B lead generation, and adapt to an ever-changing local market. Not only can you run keyword scans from any location, but you can easily share your findings as well. Sign up for Local Falcon today and see how you rank.

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