Local Falcon is a different way of visualizing ranking data in local search. Below is a list of answers to our most frequently asked questions. For even deeper learning, you can always check out our knowledge base as well.
If you want to receive suggested keywords based on actual search terms and their volume of impressions, you must connect the Google Business Profile account you use to manage your business listing(s). If you don't, you will you will still receive AI-generated suggestions as well as suggestions based on your business locations' current Google Business Profile categories. Local Falcon's Suggested Keywords feature provides relevant keyword suggestions for Map Scans. These suggestions are based on terms consumers use to find your business on Google. This feature also shows you the estimated monthly impressions your business is getting for those terms. You'll also receive additional AI-generated keywords thanks to Falcon AI, as well as suggestions based on the businesses currently suggested GBP categories. Location Groups allow you to create groups of business locations that you plan to run scans using the same Scan Settings for. When setting up Campaigns and other types of scans, you can then simply select a Location Group instead of manually adding each business location. Location Groups also make it easier to filter reports, as you can choose to filter by group in order to only view reports for certain sets or subsets of business locations. Local Falcon's Sales Enablement Tool finds and populates sales lead lists (in CSV files) with local ranking data and additional information pulled from the Google Business Profiles of sales leads. This enrichment provides the ability to outreach to prospective clients with personalized local ranking information.